Episode 4
Is Cobb Online Learning Academy the Right Option for Your Family?
Guest: Dave Church, Cobb Online Learning Academy Assistant Principal
Guest Bio:
Before joining COLA, Mr. Church served as an assistant principal at Allatoona and Wheeler High in Cobb. Prior to moving to Georgia, Mr. Church worked at a charter school in Chicago and has experience teaching at international schools in Thailand, Australia, and South Korea. "I am excited to be part of this innovative model to meet the needs of our students and our community and really looking forward to our second year!"
Click the timecode to jump to the chapter:
- [01:09] How COLA Started
- [01:44] Why Choose Online vs Brick-n-mortar?
- [03:35] Synchronous vs Asynchronous
- [05:32] What Does COLA Look Like?
- [07:16] Is Attendance a Challenge?
- [08:13] Reading the Room
- [09:58] How Many Students are in COLA?
- [10:12] Grade Levels Served
- [10:41] Social Engagement Opportunities
- [12:13] The Mascot
- [13:30] What About Band, Drama, Chorus, etc?
- [14:11] College Perspectives
- [15:20] Elementary Virtual Program and Grade Continuity
- [16:30] Online Teachers
- [17:40] Future Plans
Useful links from the podcast:
- Cobb Online Learning Academy at Cobb Horizon High School
- Learning Everywhere - This page summarizes the differences between the schools/programs for the different grade levels.
- CTLS Home
The written article: https://www.cobbk12.org/_ci/p/71644
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